Friday, June 29, 2012

Thirsty Thursdays and Fantastic Fridays

Hola a todos!
Boy I keep wanting to get on here to brag talk about Allie but when you're a full time student and mom you barely have time to eat! It's all worth it though!
So yesterday Allie and I had a big day! She woke up at 8:30 (good little sleeper) and then we had some breakfast then it was time for our day to start! I had school so Allie got to hangout with my Aunt Helen. And from what I hear they had a blast! They got to go to Allie's Gymboree class (wish I did that when I was little) and then met my Nana for lunch at Sam's grill in Homewood.
Allie at Gymboree 2weeks ago
 I meet them at Sam's and Allie gives me the biggest smile and wants me to take her. Then she promptly pours water on me. Luckily though since it was a billion degrees outside it evaporated immediately. So that was the earlier part of our big day. Now on to the evening. I decided it would be a great idea if we went to that Live after 5 concert thing downtown... with a baby... ok, so not my greatest idea. I drug poor Melvin and Samantha with me and we mainly went cuz of the possibility of cupcakes... there were none. So we got a weird Vietnamese sub thing and got water because we were dying of thirst (hence Thirsty Thursdays, I know I'm hilarious). 
Hot Sweaty Baby Downtown
in the cutest outfit
from her Nana!

Walking with her Daddy 
Luckily my mom's work is near so we went to cool off and Allie thought that it was her playground! She went into all the conference rooms and shut the doors, she ran down the halls just talking and jabbering. She was adorable to say the least. Talk about a big day! 
Allie standing in front of my mom
at my mommy's work

Trying to touch the outlets
 before my mom gets her

So today we are being pretty laid back. She was supposed to go to Gymboree again this morning but I think I will just take her for open gym time later. We did make pancakes this morning and she was a huge help! She wanted me to hold her the entire time but that's hard to do when cooking. So I put her on the kitchen floor with a mixing bowl and wooden spoon so she got to do some cooking of her own. Later when I was stirring she wanted to see so I sat down on the floor with my bowl and let her stir a little... that turned out not so great. But we only got a little on the floor so it was all good! After breakfast we had a tickle/hug fight. She knows if she hugs my neck a certain way it tickles a lot. She had a pretty exciting morning (Mommy doesn't cook often so it threw off a bit) so she is napping right now! 

Until next time! :)

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