Friday, July 6, 2012

Fireworks, Free days, and Forts

Hey guys!
Boy what a crazy week! It's been a really really fun one though! I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! We  had a really great one. I've been in this cooking phase where I try only new recipes (mainly from Pintrest). All three of the recipes turned out great! My Nana and her husband Joe came over for dinner which Allie loved. My Nana is definitely one of Allie's favorite people. She always is happy to see her and she never wants to leave her when we are leaving. It is quite cute. Speaking of cute: Allie's outfit was the most adorable for 7/04. O my goodness what an adorable baby! (I will try to get a photo of her in it later so y'all can see the cuteness). We didn't end up going to see any fireworks but that was okay because we had a great evening at home.

Thursday was such a good day because I convinced Melvin to stay home with us. First all three of us went to Gardendale to go to like the world's best Thrift Store. Allie fell asleep on the way there so I didn't end up going in because we didn't want to wake baby but that was fine because she is the cutest little sleeper! Then we went to have lunch with my mommy downtown. We ate at a food court kinda thing and Allie thought that everyone there was for her! She kept walking around and touching all the chairs she passed! She also looooooves escalators. I wish I got a video of her there because she runs around make adorable baby noises and when she runs she always has her arms behind her. It is so funny! So after lunch we go home and just chill and get in the awesome amazing pool! Allie absolutely loves that pool and well so do we! Later that night we go to Lifeway and we finally got these bookends I have been wanting for Allie's room! Lifeway tried to put a damper on my night because the associates there were rude, which was surprising. but I didn't care because my day was too good. Yesterday was for sure one of my best days I've had in a while!
Getting ready to go out and
about on Thursday

Such a cute outfit!

Today it was just me and Allie until about 5. She woke up at 7:30 but then we just laid in bed for an hour watching a movie. I was so grateful for that because I was not ready to get going. Later we were watching veggietales and she starts moving couch cushions. All the couch cushions. She demanded every single one. The smaller ones she could manage but when she got to the bigger ones she could still pick them up but she was panting and sweating. She then put all the pillows in one area and crawled all over it. I know she was building a baby fort! I'm so proud of that little baby! :)
Little Worker!

Until next time! :)

1 comment:

  1. Joe and I had a great 4th with you Allie. Mommy fixed good food and you entertained us. You are one busy baby, and I just adore you. Nana
